# LS3/LS4 R input file # Remember that all input is to the LEFT # of the equal sign (=) and MUST be in # "double quotes" listFile = "Gene_Input_List.txt" guideTree = "Input_Tree.nwk" CladeSpeciesFile = "Lineage_taxon_File.txt" GenericPamlCtrlFile = "aaml.ctl" #This would be the baseml control file for nucleotides or the aaml control file for amino acids PamlExecutablePath = "/home/user/LSx/codeml" #Put here the absolute path of baseml (for nucleotide data) or codeml (amino acid data) in your computer. !!!!WINDOWS USERS!!!!: MAKE ALL BACKSLASHES "\" DOUBLE "\\". Ex: "C:\\Program Files\\paml4.7\\baseml.exe" dataType = "NUC" #Choices: "NUC" or "AA" (data type) defaultAAMatrix = "wag.dat" Flavor = "LS4" # Choices: "LS3" or "LS4" pThresh = "0.05" # Any number 0