
Rory Cooper

Postdoctoral fellow in Artificial & Natural Evolution

  • T: +41 22 379 36 32
  • office 4023B (Sciences III)
  • Protocol for the rapid intravenous in ovo injection of developing amniote embryos. STAR Protoc 2023 May;4(2):102324. PMC10209871. 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102324. S2666-1667(23)00291-5.


    We present a technique for precise drug delivery into the vascular system of developing amniote embryos via injection into chorioallantoic veins underlying the eggshell membrane. We describe steps for incubating and candling eggs, removing the shell to expose underlying veins, and precise intravenous injection. In addition to chicken embryos, this protocol is applicable to other amniote species that lay hard-shell eggs, including crocodiles and tortoises. This technique is rapid, is reproducible, is of low cost, and will provide an important resource for developmental biologists. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Cooper & Milinkovitch..

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  • Transient agonism of the sonic hedgehog pathway triggers a permanent transition of skin appendage fate in the chicken embryo. Sci Adv 2023 May;9(20):eadg9619. 10.1126/sciadv.adg9619. PMC10191425.


    Vertebrate skin appendage early development is mediated by conserved molecular signaling composing a dynamical reaction-diffusion-like system. Variations to such systems contribute to the remarkable diversity of skin appendage forms within and among species. Here, we demonstrate that stage-specific transient agonism of sonic hedgehog (Shh) pathway signaling in chicken triggers a complete and permanent transition from reticulate scales to feathers on the ventral surfaces of the foot and digits. Resulting ectopic feathers are developmentally comparable to feathers adorning the body, with down-type feathers transitioning into regenerative, bilaterally symmetric contour feathers in adult chickens. Crucially, this spectacular transition of skin appendage fate (from nodular reticulate scales to bona fide adult feathers) does not require sustained treatment. Our RNA sequencing analyses confirm that smoothened agonist treatment specifically promotes the expression of key Shh pathway-associated genes. These results indicate that variations in Shh pathway signaling likely contribute to the natural diversity and regionalization of avian integumentary appendages.

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