- publication
- 01-03-2024
Observations in 2022 of intertidal and subtidal foraminiferal faunas at four localities along the central-eastern side of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and molecular analyses have documented the first occurrence of the nonindigenous Asian species Ammonia confertitesta Zheng in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The species was present at three of these localities: Davis Lagoon south of Ladysmith (4% in the lagoon and 49% on the beach) and 0.6% in Nanaimo Harbor. The vector of introduction is thought to be the release of ballast water and associated sediment. These releases probably occurred in the Port of Vancouver, which were then transported by means of the cyclonic circulation across the Strait of Georgia, or from local anchorages close to the sampling sites. The timing of the introduction is impossible to determine because no stratigraphic record is presently available. However, foraminiferal studies in the late 1980s near the Port of Vancouver that recovered calcareous taxa did not report the presence of this species, nor was it found at 33 sites sampled from 1997 to 1999 throughout the Strait of Georgia.
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