- news
- 27-08-2010

Six scientists from the University of Geneva are looking at the evolution of various biological functions in the living world and explain the foundations of Darwin's theory. Reasons why the theory of “Intelligent Design” is inconsistent with foundations of the scientific method are also addressed.
This series of conferences, organized by Pr Michel Milinkovitch in collaboration with the NCCR Frontiers in Genetics, is also participating to the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the University of Geneva.
45 minutes conferences, given in french, followed by questions from the audience. Registration not required.
Location: Auditoire A150, Science II, 30 quai Ernest-Ansermet,
1205 Geneva
- Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 19:00
L'évolution de la régénération: de l'hydre à l'homme (Dr Brigitte Galliot) - Wednesday, April 29, 2009 , 19:00
Gènes sensoriels: l'évolution au service du sexe (Pr Ivan Rodriguez) - Wednesday, May 6, 2009 , 19:00
Evolution et fonctions des horloges biologiques (Pr Ueli Schibler) - Wednesday, May 13, 2009 , 19:00
L'évolution, c'est écrit dans les gènes! (Dr Jean-Michel Gibert) - Wednesday, May 20, 2009 , 19:00
L'Evolution régressive de la biodiversité est-elle inéluctable? (Dr Juan Montoya) - Wednesday, May 27, 2009 , 19:00
"Intelligent Design": l'imposture du créationnisme scientifique (Pr Michel Milinkovitch)