Juan Montoya en croisière sur le Rhône

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Juan Montoya's fishing trip on the Rhône

Dr Juan Montoya is a passionate ichthyologist interested in both phylogeny and biodiversity of many kinds of fishes. In the recent past he was often in south American's Guianas to collect catfish samples (Loricariidae) required to analyze how new species arise in those regions.
Recently, Juan decided to focus his research also on less exotic fishes. He would like to analyze the european biodiversity of Cyprinidae (carps, zebrafish, goldfish), and more precisely how this biodiversity evolves year after year. For this study, he must develop new tools to easily determine the genetic identity of many individuals in large populations of fish. To develop these tools, he needs a few tissue sample of chevaine (Leuciscus cephalus), a fish abundant in the Rhône. So yesterday he made what he is used to, he climb on a boat and went fishing. More pictures of his fishing trip (done with the «Service de la Faune et de la Pêche») available here.

Juan Montoya's laboratory